1. Overview
(Aanya E-commerce Private Limited ) respects intellectual property rights of others and we expect our users to honor the same.www.auzaro.com is committed to removing infringing products from the site. To facilitate this, www.auzaro.com has put in place a Standard Infringement Verification process so that intellectual property owners could easily report listings that infringe their rights. It is in Seller's interest to ensure that infringing products are removed from the site, as they erode Buyer and Seller trust. Intellectual property infringement claims are dealt with severely on our website at www.auzaro.com (hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘Site’).
2.Intellectual Property Right (‘IPR’) Protection
Listings of counterfeits, replicas, or other unauthorized items are prohibited on the Site strictly.
Listings of offers to sell or purchase counterfeits, replicas, or other unauthorized items shall be subject to removal by www.auzaro.com.
3.Repeat violations of our IPR policy may result in a range of actions, including without limitation to:
- Removal of Listings
- Posting Restrictions
- Account Suspension
- Termination of Membership Service Agreement
Exact enforcement actions for intellectual property right infringement claims are stated in the following links:
Please click here, to check the enforcement actions for http://auzaro.com/content/IPR
Please click here, to check the enforcement actions for www………...com. (provide link)
www.auzaro.com has the full discretion to take any enforcement action anytime for certain extreme / conspicuous situations, such as where litigation has already been initiated by intellectual property rights holder.
4.Infringement Claims
All intellectual property infringement claims shall be made under penalty of perjury. Intellectual property right holders further agrees to indemnify and hold www.auzaro.com harmless from all claims, causes of action, damages and judgments arising out of any removal of product listings pursuant to intellectual property infringement claims.
As a neutral e-commerce platform, www.auzaro.com does not adjudge conflicting intellectual property infringement claims. Any action taken by www.auzaro.com shall not be construed as any endorsement o of any intellectual property infringement claim. All conflicting intellectual property infringement claims shall be resolved by the relevant conflicting parties separately from www.auzaro.com and the Site.
5.www.auzaro.com’s Protect, the online report system
Intellectual property right holders shall http://auzaro.com/content/IPR to file intellectual property infringement claims for centralized processing. Access to CONTACT US is also located under the top right corner of the front webpage at the Site.
www.auzaro.com provides an efficient and transparent channel for intellectual property right holders to file intellectual property infringement claims and request takedown of allegedly infringing listings from the Site.
Three types of materials must be submitted to www.auzaro.com to facilitate processing of intellectual property infringement claims, namely:
- Proof of identity of the Complaining party and relevant authorization, if the Complaining party is not the IPR holder;
- Proof of IPR ownership;
- Exact clickable hyperlinks to the relevant allegedly infringing listings on the Site
How to report a listing
If you have a good faith belief that your IP right has been infringed by any of our sellers, you may follow the below process: We require that the Intellectual Property right owner or authorized agent provide the following details and email it to care@auzaro.com The email should contain the below information.
- Identification or description of the copyrighted work/ trademark that has been infringed.
- Clear identification or description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on www.auzaro.com with adequate particulars. Product ID / website links of infringing products (in case of copyright infringement)
(Note: www.auzaro.com is unable to process requests which do not specify exact product IDs or URLs. Please do not provide links to browse pages or links of search queries as these pages are dynamic and their contents change with time).
- Your address, telephone number, and email address.
- A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material complained of is not authorized by the copyright or intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law.
- A statement by you, that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner's behalf.
- Brand Name (in case of Trademark infringement)
- Details of the intellectual property being infringed (Provide copyrighted images or trademark certificates as attachments)
For questions relating to intellectual property protection measures or legal issues, please contact 9022990071 email address care@auzaro.com (note that care@auzaro.com is our effective and efficient claims handling channel and we DO NOT recommend use of this email address for any intellectual property claim submission).
www.auzaro.com will evaluate intellectual property infringement claims filed via E-Mails promptly. Members subject to intellectual property infringement claims will be notified of the claims and the contact information of the intellectual property right holders will be provided to the members to facilitate direct conflict resolution and claim handling.
Members subject to intellectual property infringement claims may submit counter-notifications to dispute the corresponding claims. Intellectual property right holders will be notified if and when any counter-notifications are filed and may accept or reject such counter-notifications. www.auzaro.com reserves the right to reinstate any listing subject to intellectual property infringement claims at our discretion.
Notice of Infringement
I, [name] ____________________________ of [address] _________________________ do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:
1. I am the owner of certain intellectual property rights, said owner being named __________________ ("IP Owner").
2. I have a good faith belief that the item listings or materials identified in the annexure attached hereto are not authorised by the above IP Owner, its agent, orthe law and therefore infringe the IP Owner's rights. Please expeditiously remove or disable access to the material or products claimed to be infringing.
3. I may be contacted at:
Name ___________________________________________________________
Title & Company ________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________
Email (correspondence) ___________________________________________________
Telephone/Fax _____________________________________________________________
Date _________________________________________________________________
and I make this declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and correct.
Declared by ______________________________
on [date] ___________________________________ in [place]________
Addendum to Notice of Infringement:
List of Allegedly Infringing Listings, Products, or Materials
A Note on Reason Codes: When identifying item numbers please use the reasons below. When removing products from the site,www.auzaro.com. (Aanya E-commerce Private Limited ) will inform Sellers of the specific reason for the removal of their products.
Select the most appropriate reason. Please associate each item you report with only one reason code.
- Trademark owner doesn't make this type of product or has discontinued the production of the product
- Item(s) is an unlawful replica of a product made by the trademark owner or is counterfeit
Trademark-listing description infringement
- Listing(s) has unlawful comparison to trademark owner's brand or product
- Listing(s) contains unlawful use of trademark owner's logo
Copyright-item infringement
- Software is being offered without any license or in violation of a license
- Item(s) is a bootleg recording;
- Item(s) is an unlawful copy (hardware, machinery, heavy machinery, industrial product etc.);
- Item(s) is unlawful duplication of printed material
- Item(s) is an unlawful copy of other copyrighted work
Copyright-listing content infringement
- Listing(s) comprises unauthorized copy of copyrighted text
- Listing(s) comprises unauthorized copy of copyrighted image
- Listing(s) comprises unauthorized copy of copyrighted image and text
Reason Code: ________________________________________________________
Infringed: _________________________________________________________
Item Number(s): ______________________________________________________
1. Please provide the ownership of Trademark (Trademark Registration Certificate should be in the name of applicant)
2. Please provide the evidence as to the ownership of copyright.
All such Notices of Infringement shall be sent to care@auzaro.com
HELP www.auzaro.com (Aanya E-commerce Private Limited ) 9022990071